2023 Mission Trip to Kenya
Monday, June 12 through Sunday, June 25, 2023
The Chapel Hill Bible Church has been partnering with Beacon of Hope in Nairobi, Kenya since 2002, just a few months after its inception. The last 20 years have provided us with great opportunities to serve alongside our brothers and sisters in Nairobi as they minister to women affected by HIV/AIDS and to children in the surrounding communities. The gospel of Jesus Christ is at the forefront of the ministry of Beacon and we are privileged to partner with them as they share the good news with those around them.
Want to Learn More?
Contact Laura McPherson (lauramac316@gmail.com)
Interested in Applying?
You are applying to be part of a team that will continue to grow that partnership. The institutional and individual relationships which have formed over the years are a gift from our heavenly Father. We are committed to stewarding that well and to continue to grow it for the glory of God. Please keep that in mind as you seek the Lord and apply to be on the team. This is not about a trip. This is about years of gospel friendship and partnership.
And it is about you growing in the Lord. It is about you growing as a disciple as you learn, as you fellowship, and as you encourage your family members in Kenya. It is about you, our team, and our brothers and sisters in Kenya being transformed by the gospel and being made more and more into the likeness of our savior.
With your application, you are committing to a process of growth and discipleship which features a trip to Kenya. Please read carefully through the requirements and expectations. It is crucial that you be fully engaged in the process that leads up to and follows the trip to ensure an enriching experience for you, for our team, and for Beacon of Hope.
The trip is primarily suited for medical professionals and for those considering a career in medicine. We also need individuals who are interested in helping us update and expand our child sponsorship program at Beacon of Hope.
Important dates:
- Applications Due - Nov 20, 2022
- Team Selection - Dec 4, 2022
- $300 deposit required up accepting invitation
- Team Meetings - Jan 29, Feb 26, Mar 26, Apr 30, & May 21, 2023
- Following second service, lunch provided
- Trip - June 12-25, 2023
- Team Debrief - Aug 27, 2023
- Individual Debriefs - Meetings with Pastor Roddy to be scheduled for Fall 2023
- Mentoring - some participants will be invited to share their experiences with future mission team members.
Reading & Resources:
- Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions, Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
- Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, selected chapters, various authors
- Theology of Mission: A concise Biblical Theology, J.D. Payne
- The Pleasures of God, Chapter 4, John Piper